About Us

Everyone in this world wants to live the healthiest life and to obtain the perfect physique. Oftenly we see people try to crash diet in the hope of reducing the weight.. However, following this type a restrictive diet chart is extremely unhealthy and not easy to stick to and so the individual succumbs to temptation and goes back to his/her unhealthy eating habits. The cycle of repeated trial and failure can leave the individual disillusioned and finally the person stops trying to lose weight. However,
 to reduce the weight and for looking smart, you dont need to crash your diet. You just need to know and take the balanced diet. Balanced diet is the diet which is ensures overall well being, helps to maintain a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI), reduces the risk of several debilitating diseases like cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, osteoporosis and stroke. Thus a nutritious & balanced diet is important in the prevention and cure of various diseases. Balanced diet cant be same for everyone, it varies person to person and depends upon your height, weight and your health conditions. The objective of Make My Diet Plan is to work out the Balanced Diet Plan which contains the balanced combination of calories, proteins, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients depending upon the various parameters pertaining to the person.

Prachi Fotani
Diet Consultant

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